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Get information about a collection or document

You can get information about a collection or a document from your Dashboard or using the API. Use the following guides according to whether the collection or a document concerns a transaction or an account onboarding.

Transaction documents​

There are two methods you can use to get information about a collection or a document related to a transaction:

  1. Get information about individual documents from your Dashboard.
  2. Call the API to get information about collections and documents.
Collect documents with the API

You can only call the API to get information about supporting documents for transactions if you collect documents with the API.


Use the Dashboard to review information about a transaction document.

  1. Go to Data > Transactions.
  2. Open a transaction, then go to Supporting documents.
  3. Review all available information about your documents.

Review transaction supporting documents from the Dashboard


  1. First, retrieve the required transaction ID.
  2. Call the transaction query.
  3. Enter the transaction ID retrieved in step 1.
  4. Add all objects you need to review.


🔎 Open the query in API Explorer

query getTransactionCollectionInfo {
transaction(id: "$TRANSACTION_ID") {
... on SEPACreditTransferTransaction {
supportingDocumentCollections {
edges {
node {
statusInfo {
requiredSupportingDocumentPurposes {


In this example, notice the collection status WaitingForDocument (line 11). Swan needs documented proof of the gambling or prize winnings (line 16).

"data": {
"transaction": {
"supportingDocumentCollections": {
"totalCount": 1,
"edges": [
"node": {
"statusInfo": {
"status": "WaitingForDocument"
"requiredSupportingDocumentPurposes": [
"name": "GamblingPrizeWinnings"

Onboarding documents​

There are two methods you can use to get information about a collection or a document related to an account onboarding:

  1. Get information about individual documents from your Dashboard.
  2. Call the API to get information about collections and documents.


Use the Dashboard to review information about an onboarding document.

  1. Go to Data > Onboardings.
  2. Open an onboarding, then go to Supporting documents.
  3. Review all available information about your documents.

Review onboarding supporting documents from the Dashboard


You can use either the user's onboarding ID or, if their onboarding is Finalized, their account holder ID, to get information about a supporting document collection or an individual document.

  1. First, retrieve the required onboarding ID, either with the API or from your Dashboard > Data > Onboardings.
  2. Call the onboarding query.
  3. Enter the onboarding ID retrieved in step 1.
  4. Add all objects you'd like to review.
Account holder ID

This guide uses the onboarding ID. If the onboarding is Finalized, use the account holder ID to call the accountHolder query instead.


🔎 Open the query in API Explorer

query getOnboardingCollectionInfo {
onboarding(id: "$ONBOARDING_ID") {
supportingDocumentCollection {
supportingDocuments {
statusInfo {


In this example, the required document, GeneralAssemblyMinutes (line 11), has been received, reviewed, and validated.

"data": {
"onboarding": {
"supportingDocumentCollection": {
"supportingDocuments": [
"statusInfo": {
"status": "Validated"
"supportingDocumentPurpose": "GeneralAssemblyMinutes",
"supportingDocumentType": MeetingMinutes,
"updatedAt": "2024-04-04T14:42:10.492Z"