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Create a payment link

Create a payment link to accept card payments with the API.

In development

Payment links are currently in development. Feel free to review this section to understand how the feature will work when live.

  • Merchant profile status: Enabled
  • Card payment method status: Enabled


  1. Call the createMerchantPaymentLink mutation.
  2. Add the merchantProfileId.
  3. Payment method (line 6):
    • If you only want to allow card payments, add the card paymentMethodId.
    • If you'd like to allow all eligible enabled payment methods, don't provide a value for paymentMethodId.
  4. Add the amount, including both the value and currency.
  5. Include a label and reference if you'd like. Note that the label might appear on the payer's card statement.
  6. Add the success payload. Include the final url in the payload if you'd like (line 14).
  7. Add rejections (not shown).
SEPA Direct debit

If the merchant has both Core and Standard SEPA Direct Debit enabled and you don't provide a value for paymentMethodId in #3, Core is used by default.


🔎 Open the mutation in API Explorer

mutation PaymentLink {
input: {
merchantProfileId: "$MERCHANT_PROFILE_ID"
amount: { value: "50", currency: "EUR" }
paymentMethodIds: "$PAYMENT_METHOD_ID"
label: "Your custom label"
reference: "YourReference"
) {
... on CreateMerchantPaymentLinkSuccessPayload {
merchantPaymentLink {


Notice the payment link to share with the merchant's customer in the success payload (line 6).

"data": {
"createMerchantPaymentLink": {
"__typename": "CreateMerchantPaymentLinkSuccessPayload",
"merchantPaymentLink": {
"url": "$MERCHANT_PAYMENT_ID?lang=en"