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Block & unblock physical cards

Blocked for incorrect PIN attempts

If a card was blocked without request, it might be because the cardholder made too many incorrect attempts to enter their PIN.

Temporarily block a physical card​

You can temporarily suspend a physical card with the suspendPhysicalCard mutation.

Unblock a physical card​

To unblock a physical card with the resumePhysicalCard mutation, you must:

  • Be signed in.
  • Use a user access token in the name of the card's account member.

A consentUrl is returned inviting the user to start the Strong Customer Authentication with Swan.

If you chose to block the card, the card can be used immediately after you unblock it.

Unblock after 3 incorrect PIN attempts​

If a card was blocked because the PIN was entered incorrectly 3 times, the cardholder must complete the process to resume the card, with one potential interaction from your side depending on your integration.

  1. Wait 24 hours from the last incorrect PIN attempt.
  2. You or the cardholder call the resumePhysicalCard mutation to start the unblocking process:
    1. Cardholder: In Swan's Web Banking interface, clicking Unblock calls this mutation. Refer to Swan's Support Center for more information. If you don't use Swan's Web Banking, consider designing your integration with a similar action.
    2. You: If your integration doesn't allow the cardholder to do so, you need to call the mutation.
    Wait 24 hours

    If the resumePhysicalCard mutation is called before 24 hours pass, it returns an error.

  3. The cardholder consents to the operation.
  4. The cardholder enters their original PIN at an ATM (reminder: a card's PIN never changes).
View PIN