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Card design

Your card design appears several times during your cardholders' user experience. Your design is:

  • Featured in the Web Banking interface for virtual and physical cards
  • Printed on physical cards
  • Displayed in digital wallets

Card product​

A card product is a collection of design information and configuration settings for the cards you ultimately offer your users. You can have several card products within the same project, each with a unique

Each card product can have a different card design and different settings. Alternatively, card products might have common designs and settings, depending on your needs. For example, you might choose to offer a single design, but have several card products with different settings based on the intended users.

The very first card product created is your default card product. You won't need to include the id for this card product when issuing cards. If you disable the default card product, however, you must include the CardProductId anytime you call a mutation to add cards (addCard, addCards, and addCardsWithGroupDelivery).

All new card products undergo a review before you can add cards with that design. You can also suspend a card product if you don't want it to be available to your users anymore.

Standard card design​

Swan proposes two standard card designs that are already validated by Mastercard.

Personalize standard cards with your logo on the front of the card. See it now in Swan's card design studio.


Black cards feature your logo in white monochrome.

Image displaying connection between account holders, account, account membership, and cards


Silver cards feature your logo in black monochrome.

Image displaying connection between account holders, account, account membership, and cards

Custom card design​

If the standard black or silver designs won't meet your needs, or you want customize more to your brand's style, Swan also offers custom card designs. The process includes both your Technical Account Manager (TAM) and your general Account Manager.

The custom design process, including design, validation, and delivery, can take up to 16 weeks.

Note that the following elements can't be customized:

  • Mastercard logo, contactless logo, and hologram
  • Cardholder name (maximum 20 characters)
  • Card number, identifier, expiry date, and CVC
  • Label indicating debit or business
  • Statement "This card is issued by Swan, pursuant to license by Mastercard international."
  • Font (Maison Neue)


Physical cards are delivered in a standard letter format. Upgraded packaging options are also available for both standard and custom cards.

Standard packagingStandard envelope with card attached to an inserted letter, pictured
Customized letter textCustomize the written content of the letter; add additional languages (additional cost)
Colorful paper insertPaper used for the letter can be a color other that the standard white (additional cost)
Customized packagingUse a box or flyer; can add additional time (additional cost)

Image of standard physical card packaging
