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Upload required documents

Multi-step process

This page explains how to upload documents for steps 4 and 8 of a multi-step process. Refer to the France guide for the whole process.

Step 1: Generate upload URL​

Use the generateCapitalDepositDocumentUploadUrl mutation to generate an upload URL.

  1. Call the generateCapitalDepositDocumentUploadUrl mutation.
  2. Enter all required information: documentId,capitalDepositCaseId, and filename.
  3. Add the GenerateSupportingDocumentUploadUrlSuccessPayload with the uploadUrl.
  4. Add other optional messages to the payload, either for validation or in case of rejection.

🔎 Open the mutation in API Explorer

mutation generateUploadUrl {
input: {
documentId: "$YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID"
filename: "$FILE_NAME"
) {
... on GenerateCapitalDepositDocumentUploadUrlSuccessPayload {

Step 2: Retrieve generated URL from payload​

Retrieve the generated uploadUrl in the payload.

Upload URL expires

The uploadUrl is only valid for seven days, after which you'd need to generate a new URL.

"data": {
"generateCapitalDepositDocumentUploadUrl": {
"uploadUrl": "$YOUR_UPLOAD_URL"

Step 3: Send HTTP PUT request​

Send an HTTP PUT request to the uploadUrl with a Content-Type: multipart/form-data header.

Supported formats: .pdf, .png, .jpg

curl --upload-file $YOUR_FILE https://$UPLOAD_URL

Step 4: Repeat​

Repeat steps 1-3 to upload additional documents, as needed. You can also change the documents you already uploaded as long as the document status remains Uploaded.