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New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ Our end-user interfaces are now available in Finnish.


๐Ÿคณ๐Ÿพ To improve the user experience for some payment control use cases, the card spending limits are no longer displayed on the consent screen for the mutations addCardsWithGroupDelivery, addCards, and updateCard (exception: single-use virtual cards).

โšก Instant transfers are activated by default when initiating SEPA Credit Transfers with Swan's Web Banking interface. They fallback to regular transfers when instant isn't available.

๐Ÿš“ To fight efficiently against money laundering, we implemented a new card ATM withdrawal spending limit. These limits are enforced at the account holder level and can only be modified by Swan. Review the limits

๐Ÿ’ผ We added the object relatedCapitalDepositCase to the shareholder query in order to provide details about the capital deposit case for any shareholder.

๐Ÿช We added a new webhook, CapitalDepositDocument.Created, for when a new a document for a case or a shareholder is created. List of webhooks

โ€ผ๏ธ Reminder: the date for addSepaDirectDebitPaymentMandate must match the format YYYY-MM-DD. Otherwise, we'll return a ValidationRejection.

Upcoming breaking changesโ€‹

โš ๏ธ On February 5th, we're doing a database migration of our webhooks. Only logs from January 1st on will be migrated, meaning all data from 2023 and before will be lost. From February 5th on, webhook history will only be kept for 100 days. This change won't impact the subscriptions.

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New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ‘ค Access identity verification details for you, either with the API or on your Dashboard > Data > Users. See their identification history, the identification levels they've validated, and why an identification attempt might have been rejected. Because of this new feature, we're deprecating user.identificationStatus.

๐Ÿ†” Swan offers a document-sharing feature, providing access to identity verification document metadata as well as the documents themselves. Please submit a ticket through your Dashboard to learn more about this feature.


๐Ÿ†” Depending on your project's configuration, the notification informing account holders that their account is open will now also be triggered in Sandbox.

๐Ÿช Receive webhooks when a capital deposit document is updated. Using the new capitalDepositDocument query, retrieve its new status and, when rejected, the reasonCode with reason for the rejection. List of webhooks

Upcoming breaking changesโ€‹

โš ๏ธ In 4 weeks, we're adding a new value to the SupportingDocumentPurpose enum: UltimateBeneficialOwnerProofOfAddress.

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New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ’ธ Customize banking fees for your end users.


๐Ÿฆ Access a PDF with your bank details (RIB in France) through the API, Dashboard, or Web Banking. This PDF contains all the information required to transfer funds to a Swan account.

โšก To accelerate the capital deposit process, we now send the funds to the notary with a SEPA Instant Credit Transfer.

Breaking changesโ€‹

๐Ÿ’ฅ The deprecated field isInstant for initiateCreditTransfers was removed. Please use mode instead to initiate SEPA Instant Credit Transfers. By using mode=InstantWithFallback, your SEPA Instant Credit Transfers will "fallback" to regular SEPA Credit Transfers if instant isn't available.

Upcoming breaking changesโ€‹

โš ๏ธ In 4 weeks, we're adding new values to the SupportingDocumentPurpose enum: LegalRepresentativeProofOfIdentity, UltimateBeneficialOwnerProofOfIdentity, NIFAccreditationCard, PresidentDecisionOfAppointment, AdministratorDecisionOfAppointment, and FinancialStatements. We're also deprecating ProofOfIdentity.

โš ๏ธ In 4 weeks, we'll remove the deprecated filter. Please use instead, which operates the same but requires at least 3 characters to search.

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๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Get ready for better conversion rates when onboarding German individual accounts. When verifying their identity, users can submit their identity document and their qualified electronic signature (QES) at the same time. Previously, users had to wait until the document was approved before they could sign.

โš™๏ธ Our API Explorer got a total makeover! In addition to a better user experience, it now includes a history of your requests, a custom favorite list, and manages multiple tabs.

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New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ’ณ Account members can request their own cards with the new account membership permission canManageCards.


๐Ÿช Two new Capital Deposit webhooks are available to track shareholder creation and updates. List of webhooks

๐Ÿ” The account.invoices query now features type to differentiate between invoice and refundNote.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Simulate banking fees that are charged manually with the simulateManualBankingFee mutation.

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โšก Use the new mode field in the scheduleStandingOrder mutation to send standing orders as SEPA Instant Credit Transfers. You can fallback to a regular SEPA Credit Transfer if the instant transfer is rejected.

โœ๏ธ You can name your Internal Direct Debit mandates with the addInternalDirectDebitPaymentMandate mutation name field. See an example

๐Ÿ“ฌ The field merchantPostalCode has been added to the card query.

๐Ÿงช The simulateOutgoingCardAuthorizationRelease testing API mutation received three new values: Expired, MerchantReleased, and ManuallyReleased. If no value is selected, Expired is assigned by default.

๐Ÿ“„ You can now query supporting document collections by ID.

Upcoming breaking changesโ€‹

๐Ÿšจ Reminder: The isInstant field for initiateCreditTransfers will be removed in 4 weeks. Please use mode instead to initiate a SEPA Instant Credit Transfer. By using mode=InstantWithFallback, your SEPA Instant Credit Transfers will "fallback" to a regular SEPA Credit Transfer if instant isn't available.

ยท One min read

New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ“Š Looking for information about your product's performance? Check out the new Insights tab on your Dashboard, where you'll find data dashboards providing insights into transactions, onboardings, and more.

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New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Dutch IBANs starting with NL are live! You can test Dutch IBANs with the API or on your Dashboard > Settings > Onboarding.

๐Ÿ’ก For each country, Swan must comply with different requirements depending on local laws. Learn more about requirements for individual and company accounts in the Netherlands.


โ„น๏ธ We added a reason to the ReleasedTransactionStatusInfo query. You can now see why a card authorization was released. Possible values: Captured, Expired, AdviceReceived, MerchantReleased, ManuallyReleased, and Other.

๐Ÿ“… You can now schedule an Internal Direct Debit transaction. In the initiateMerchantPaymentCollection mutation, use the requestedExecutionAt field.

โŒ The cancelTransaction mutation now supports canceling incoming Internal Direct Debit transactions with the status Upcoming.

Breaking changesโ€‹

๐Ÿ’ฅ There are two key changes to the addInternalDirectDebitPaymentMandate mutation: (1) We removed the scheme and merchantProfileId fields. Use paymentMethodId instead. (2) The InternalDirectDebitPaymentMandateId is no longer returned in the success payload.

Upcoming breaking changesโ€‹

โš ๏ธ The isInstant field for initiateCreditTransfers is deprecated and will be removed in 7 weeks. Please use mode instead to initiate a SEPA Instant Credit Transfer. By using mode=InstantWithFallback, your SEPA Instant Credit Transfers will "fallback" to a regular SEPA Credit Transfer if instant isn't available.

๐Ÿ” In the users query, search moved to the filters category and requires at least 3 characters. The old search will be deprecated in 4 weeks.

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๐Ÿ”„ When providing consent, users can now request a new text message if the original text message wasn't received.

๐Ÿ“ƒ We added the account object in accountStatement. Use it to link an account to its generated account statements.

๐Ÿ” The transactions query can now be filtered by transactionId.

Breaking changesโ€‹

โš ๏ธ In 4 weeks, we're adding the new value GeneralAssemblyMinutes to the SupportingDocumentPurpose enum.

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๐Ÿ’ณ We've added new fields to Payment Control messages:

  • terminalId: The payment terminal that was used to initiate the transaction.
  • mechantPostalCode: The postal code of the merchant that initiated the transaction (this field will start being populated in October 2023, note that not all merchants communicate this information).
  • digitalCardWalletProvider: The digital token used for the transaction (when applicable), possible values are: ApplePay, GooglePay, Merchant.

๐Ÿงช The simulateIncomingInternalDirectDebitReturn mutation allows to simulate a return on an Internal Direct Debit transaction.